Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Republicans just keep trying to sabotage this campaign. First, they scrambled to find a candidate to run after they found out that I intended to do so. Then the Republicans resorted to applying pressure to try to get me to step out of the race. Now they’ve decided to physically impact my campaign. Nicole and I went to the Nottaway Pow Wow in Surry County Sept. 19, 2010. We planted two signs at the entrance road before we stepped in to participate. When we left the event, we saw our signs uprooted and tossed to the ground. What we found was the Republican’s signs put up in their place. These signs were not there when we entered the Pow Wow. Let’s hear it for the Republicans… if they can’t win an election by beating them, they’ll win by cheating them.

In their defense, the Republican campaign in the 3rd District is going poorly and the leadership of the 3rd District has riled its members up by blaming my involvement for their shortcomings. They keep saying that I’ll split their vote, which is comical since I was campaigning months before their candidate decided to campaign in a district he doesn’t even reside in. So much for the Republican promise to restore honesty to Washington DC. How is he going to make that happen if he can’t even have his volunteers conduct themselves honestly in Surry County?

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